These two subjects are connected to module 1, and both was really interesting. But both of them we had more lessons than one, so I waited to post them.
First I wanna speak about the Danish lessons, and I would like to add only one thing: I am really respect those people who learned to speak Danish! Even the Danish! I have tried to learn some more, but it is so difficult - and I am still trying. At least, trying.
I can give you some example - this are my lesson notes (another in Hungarian which language as difficult as Danish):
First I wanna speak about the Danish lessons, and I would like to add only one thing: I am really respect those people who learned to speak Danish! Even the Danish! I have tried to learn some more, but it is so difficult - and I am still trying. At least, trying.
I can give you some example - this are my lesson notes (another in Hungarian which language as difficult as Danish):
Danish lesson
här - haj (lyst /mo/rkt - világos, sötét)
hoved - fej
ansigt - arc
o/jne - szemek o/jn - szem (it)
naese - orr
mund - száj
o/re - fül
hals - nyak
skuldre - shoulders
albue - könyök
händ/ haender - kéz, kezek
finger/fingre - ujj, ujjak
arm - kar
bryst - brest
mave - gyomor
lär - comb
knae - térd
fod/fo/dder - láb, lábbak
tä/taeer - lábujj, lábujjak
ben - láb
tyg - hát
tyg- rad - gerinc
hofte - hip
smerte - fájdalom
smertestillende - fájdalomcsillapító
jeg har ondt i - valami kell (azt hiszem) (vagy érzek valamit, vagy ?)
jeg har sulten (sult - éhség) - éhes vagyok
Look easy? Try to pronunce! I am sure that you cant pronunce it right!
I have to add something more: Christin, our Danish teacher is a very good, helpful, nice, and powerful woman, and she can cook very well! :)
här - haj (lyst /mo/rkt - világos, sötét)
hoved - fej
ansigt - arc
o/jne - szemek o/jn - szem (it)
naese - orr
mund - száj
o/re - fül
hals - nyak
skuldre - shoulders
albue - könyök
händ/ haender - kéz, kezek
finger/fingre - ujj, ujjak
arm - kar
bryst - brest
mave - gyomor
lär - comb
knae - térd
fod/fo/dder - láb, lábbak
tä/taeer - lábujj, lábujjak
ben - láb
tyg - hát
tyg- rad - gerinc
hofte - hip
smerte - fájdalom
smertestillende - fájdalomcsillapító
jeg har ondt i - valami kell (azt hiszem) (vagy érzek valamit, vagy ?)
jeg har sulten (sult - éhség) - éhes vagyok
Look easy? Try to pronunce! I am sure that you cant pronunce it right!
I have to add something more: Christin, our Danish teacher is a very good, helpful, nice, and powerful woman, and she can cook very well! :)
And the History lessons. Maybe that's tell everything if I am saying that we only had two, but get three. The History Teacher... Oh, my God! I have never seen such a clever, and open- minded person. I was shocked. And I am also like his attitude to history and from history to the future.
I have always liked history, till I got a bad teacher, but I think if he would been my teacher, I would be a history teacher now.
His cleverness is really huge. I respect him for that!
I have always liked history, till I got a bad teacher, but I think if he would been my teacher, I would be a history teacher now.
His cleverness is really huge. I respect him for that!
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