Hy there, out there, - how are you in your countries? Give more signs, write your blogs :)

As I promised to all of you, I am trying to write this blog for you, who left. I think I have wrote it already to you, but we are missing you so much guys. For days we could feel your smell in your rooms, now the cleaning lady has come and took it away from us.
There are no new things here. Life goes on. But we are thinking of you a lot.
Today we had a little ticket buying - meeting with Jette, after that we went into the town, had an ice coffee/and hot chocolats, and after that we made a charity - trip. We bought so many wonderful dresses.
The weather is not so good, and yesterday it was awful, so we are not moving far away from Haderslev and Kriszti has a problem with her bike (maybe she replaced Marys). There are so many things which reminds us to you. Little things.
The kitchen is quite beautiful now, and we are preparing full meal everytime, and pancakes all the time. Thanks for all of the food and everything what you have left here!
At saturday we will have a little movie watching- cooking party here, threesome. It would be better with you. Carlos, I am missing your spanish omlet, but my Mum saw it on your blog so she will prepare to me at home.
The day before yesterday we was at home. The weather was terribble, you know that strong wind, with rain - as usual. We spent the whole day with speaking, thinking of you, computer, learning, cooking, and playing. Now we can recognise that the spring will end soon, petals are falling down, but the whole landscape getting green, and the farms on the road from Aabenraa are really beautiful (we wanna go there too). I am a little bit upset because of this, but changing is a normal way of life.
And yes, Aabenraa. We were there at monday, and we will go three more times before we go home /Zep four more times before she goes to Dusseldorf/. The lesson was interesting, we are with a Danish group, they are preparing some theathre thing, and Flemming was awsome, fantastic, and helpful. We had a really good time there.
And on sunday Canan left. She was the last.
And on saturday we had a little flowering freetime, eating ice cream, creating things from flower, that was really good, really sunny, and nice - foursome.

Maybe tomorrow we are going to go to somewhere - and on sunday we are going to hitchike. I wanna see Coppenhagen next week, but I really have to think about my money. (Image that our ticket to Coppenhagen at the 22th was only 75 kroners - it was orange ticket price of!!!).

So this is how the time goes without you. I will put on pictures next time, not now, but then I will, I promise - maybe I can show some travelling pictures than, I hope so... We are really missing you guys. Everything so silent... And, you know. Or dont?

I wish I could still be with you, and I know you feel the same, but we will meet again, we have to. Friends are forever friends. We are connected, and connection always stays connection... This is the part when we are reaping what we sow, consequence time, I also changed a lot, but I will write about this next time... And I could tell much more, but it is enough for today... Hugs, kisses, everything... MOJN Friends! There is no word for that how much I am loving you.

Thanks for your mails, they are helped a lot to understand, and to know about you.

Today we were speak about, that maybe we can meet every year in one of our countries - if it is okay for you - than see you next august in Hungary!!! Is it okay? :)

We are having, arent we? This was it, maybe, just keep on continue :)

A little hungarian poem to the consequence side:

Nor a son, nor a happy forbear - Endre Ady

I am nor a son, nor a happy forbear,
nor a relative, nor a familiar
Of anybody.
Of anybody.

I am, like every man: royalty
North - notch, secret, averseness
Ghostly, distanced light
Ghostly, distanced light

Oh, but, I can not stay in this way
I would like to show myself
To see me by looking
To see me by looking

This is the reason for every hurting, and crying
I would like to be loved
Just to be somebody's
Be somebody's...

Nowadays, I am really getting upset, because the time to say goodbye for the others are getting closer and closer, and I just cant image the life here without them. It is so weird. I just cant image that I wont see them day by day, and maybe never again.

I dont like to think about this, but maybe it is true.

Anyway, the last and the first days of a travelling are always sweeter. I have tasted this sweet taste in our last excursions too: to Dybbol and to Aro. And I have to add a comment for Aro: I could live my whole life down there, almost like my Canadian dream island: Prince Edward.
This place will leave for my heart forever.

But now I would like to give a blessing for the others:

An Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

See you again, friends!

And I will try to continue the blog in the last month, I promise :).

I know that I should write a long post about our 3 week of pratice, but my opinion is not changed that much from the first time, and I am really busy today with learning for home.
Several thing is for sure:

I like those children really much, and I will never forget them.
I am hardly against the pills still.
It would have been better if we are going fist to the 7th graders.
I met a boy for who I will remember in my whole life.
I wanna show you my 'secret place' in Denmark, which is very near to our dormitory and it is my favourite place in Denmark :).

I would like to show you some really special event here in Denmark which happened to me.

First is about a little (25 kms long) bicycletrip with Mary on of the weekends, and the another two is about the Easter, and the Easter break which mostly went away with relaxing, learning, and being together with Zep and Eliska. And thinking about that the others will leave soon. :/

But look to the pictures, they are nice :).

Unfortunately I dont have painting pictures :/

We weeks ago we had Jette's storytellers lesson, where we saw some part of the Danish movie culture. I would like to show you my notes from that lesson, because they are mostly just the film titles: (It is also a note for me to dont forget to see Festen!)

1, communication
sender - message - receiver
<----------- feedback message: image which wanted to be created TurkeySpanish: Interview Czech: True or not 2, Film 'language' pictures sound(tracks) - music - real sound - effects point of view of cameras (POV) distance, closeness, panorama, movements of camera, etc. cutting light props - locations colors Danish movies - back to 'unplugged' movies. - Storytellers trought Danish movies 1906 - Film company in Denmark - almost the first - Nordisk Film - Polar Bear sign of this - silent movies they were quite progressive, showing things between the scences, the board shows the speech During the german occupation - criticsm to germans, after that they picked out the films from cinemas Till 1950s black and white films 1950s - "art tradition" movies - Drama/Novel turning into a film light entertainment + music (Morten Korch - special Danish tradition - "western" movies of danish people) Famous filmmaker: Th Dreyer - superrealistic films, with camera, and in the same time heavy, serious messages He needed for it so good actors (even from abroad) (Film) The World - 1944 - Famous - connected to one of the Danish national hero, martyr, or something like that story about a man, who thinks he is the resurrected Jesus pure nature, heavy thinking realistic static, but very simbolic later they got realistic more 1970s most of the Danish movies are comedys 1900 - 1970 -dominant genre: comedy - popular comedy period (Film) Olsenbanden - ser ro/dt - Decay of the big pricess - 1980s Karen Blixen - Isak Dineson - My African Farm - Out of Africa (Film) Seven gothic tales Babette's feast (Film) Life - Kenya, Sifilis Martin Andersen Nexo - famous writer, political books, socialistic a little bit Pelle, the conqueror - oscar winning (?) - 1980s (Bille August - The house of spirits, Goodbye Bafana (?)) (Film) Peter Ho/eg = Miss Smillas sense of snow, almost thriller 1975 - some directors decided that they wants to do something different - so they created DOGME 95, (signed document 1995) kind of unplugged movies no studio work, on location national light, national sound, props music only when music played on the set it has to be on color, but without extra light, special light handheld camera here and now, present time they can repeat the shooting, but they are trying to get it as long as it possible it is kind of protesting, first looks boring, but then you learn to understand it (Film) Festen - The Celebration (Ünnep, Pesti színház, otthon) (Film) Europa - Lars Von Trier (Film) Breaking of the waves (Film) Dancer in the dark (Film) Dogville - opposite of Dogme 95 (Film) Italian for begginers (Film) Portland (Film) Angels in fast motion - Nortkraft (Film) Flashing lights (Film) The bench (Film) The herritage (Film) The art of crying together (Film) Terribly happy (Film) The son of the happy birthday-cardwriter Finally 1980 1990 - back to basics, DOGME, realistic, psychological dramas actionfilms comedys mixtures 2000 - PerFly Trilogy Erling Jepsen - Terribly happy
The thing why I waited with posting it is because I wanted to compare it (by mentioning together) with the Globalization and Citizenship lessons.

On the first lessons of Globalization we mostly spoke about actual political cases, Durben I and II, Obama's speech, keywords searching, key words for teaching democracy.

On the another lessons of Globalizations we saw movie parts, and clips, and this is why I want this two subject together. They are quite different because on the globalization lesson we were speak about keywords, and globalization and citizenship by films.

But I have a question to my readers/Erasmus mates:

How Danish films speaking about this? For example Festen? I am sure it speaks a lot, but from a very different view.

We had a little restaurant few days ago - we had an international cooking lesson, where every nation had to cook their own tradition foods. It was a really tasty lesson - I am still get hungry if I am watching the pictures! I hope you too!

This was the living and eating together part! :)

(And I liked the Polish the most :) )

(Big size recommended for viewing.)

The most fantastic and most crowded week of the whole staying yet! I was tired all the week, but I will write a few sentences about it to you... and I will show some pictures also (some of them are from Kriszti...)

Shame that was only a week...

The international week started at Monday 9th of Marc. 12 nations was put together - like a good soup: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Holland, Hungary, Germany, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey.

We had lessons together (for example music), and we discussed some topics too - and also had parties, and free time together.

I would like to pick up some movements of the week.


We had a lesson together based on stereotypes, where we had to draw about each others countries in groups. We have heard lot of interesting things... For example have you known that every Hungarian is a gypsy?


Ribe. It is an old fisherman - trademan town near to the very flat seaside. As we call in Hungary, this town is a jewelerybox. I dont think so that I have seen more beautiful thing in Denmark yet. I wanna go back there in the spring, in the last one month.


Eurovision song contest, and eating together with the student. I dont have more to add because that one sentence is speaking -oh, only one more: WE WON THE CONTEST :) !

At the end of the week we had to do a presentation. I did a video with somekind of travelling alternative hungarian music, and with a little art... They liked it very much, and I was really happy... At the moment picasa dont want to upload it, but I will see what can I do with it, because I really want to show you...

Anyway, I was very sad when the others left, and I ask God to meet them again in this life.
When I have heard this name of the subject I cant image what it will be. And then we realised it, and we had to fantastic lessons where we compared the different school systems in Europe in different ways.

First from the different dimensions of education:

1. artefacts
2. values
3. basic assumptions
  • Artefacts: everything you can observe

    Example: equipment.

  • Values:

    Examples: the differences between countries which differences are speaking about values:

  • lunch boxes: free choice - parents, homes
  • canteen: healthy + social - community
  • break during the daytime: way of securing mother do not work in full-time job, only in part-time

  • Basic assumptions: indicator
We spoke a lot about values in different communities...

After this, on the second lesson we compared our educational system, it was really interesting... It seems sometimes that all the rules in the world has no sense at all, but they are keeping the community working... aren't they?
These two subjects are connected to module 1, and both was really interesting. But both of them we had more lessons than one, so I waited to post them.

First I wanna speak about the Danish lessons, and I would like to add only one thing: I am really respect those people who learned to speak Danish! Even the Danish! I have tried to learn some more, but it is so difficult - and I am still trying. At least, trying.

I can give you some example - this are my lesson notes (another in Hungarian which language as difficult as Danish):

Danish lesson

här - haj (lyst /mo/rkt - világos, sötét)
hoved - fej
ansigt - arc
o/jne - szemek o/jn - szem (it)
naese - orr
mund - száj
o/re - fül
hals - nyak
skuldre - shoulders
albue - könyök
händ/ haender - kéz, kezek
finger/fingre - ujj, ujjak
arm - kar
bryst - brest
mave - gyomor
lär - comb
knae - térd
fod/fo/dder - láb, lábbak
tä/taeer - lábujj, lábujjak
ben - láb
tyg - hát
tyg- rad - gerinc
hofte - hip

smerte - fájdalom
smertestillende - fájdalomcsillapító
jeg har ondt i - valami kell (azt hiszem) (vagy érzek valamit, vagy ?)
jeg har sulten (sult - éhség) - éhes vagyok

Look easy? Try to pronunce! I am sure that you cant pronunce it right!

I have to add something more: Christin, our Danish teacher is a very good, helpful, nice, and powerful woman, and she can cook very well! :)

And the History lessons. Maybe that's tell everything if I am saying that we only had two, but get three. The History Teacher... Oh, my God! I have never seen such a clever, and open- minded person. I was shocked. And I am also like his attitude to history and from history to the future.
I have always liked history, till I got a bad teacher, but I think if he would been my teacher, I would be a history teacher now.
His cleverness is really huge. I respect him for that!
I am gonna write about my favourite free time spending things, and my favourite topic, and my favourite lessons here. I am not sure that this post will be long, but it has something to say... so.

Yes, you have already guessed. It is Art.

We have/had really much kind of art lessons here and I am really greatful and happy because of that.

We had so many music lessons (and also choir).
So many Art lessons (also in plus curse too).
And a few, but fantastic drama lessons in Aabenraa.

I was crazy all of them, they were really fantastic. But let me add some comments to the lessons.

Music lessons: They were absolutely fantastic! How the Danish music teachers (we met more of them) are treating the music and leading the children is fantastic. They are oftentranslating music to something else: drama, notes, drawing, speach, games. And they are really teaching them to think not about the music, but with to music, to can understand, and compose! Fantastic, brilliant! And of course they are keeping the well- known rules of Danish teaching...

Art lessons: My favourite. Few of you are knowing about me that I planned to became a graphic designer, but I gave up, as I gave up so many things in my life. But I am still crazy for drawings, and having a place and mood to draw... these things are really important to me to have an inspiration, and thoughts to draw. And here I can have them! It is fantastic. I like the lessons, I like the way of teaching, the methods, and everything! I like the teacher! And I like that we can use the rooms and the tools anytime! I have already draw so many things here, I hope it wont stop how the exam period is getting closer... I wish I could have the same opportunity, and way, and place to do this at home!

Drama lessons: The most useful lessons for me. I dont have much to add. We worked with maskes and with movements (and I dont have pictures about it, again... :/), and with music, and dance. Most of the time we dont work with maskes at home, but we should! It is improves a lot. I really cant say more. It was simply brilliant, and Aabenraa is a nice place, and the University there - we should be there, I guess... not here... because they are training our professions there...

But now: Pictures (but only a few ;) )!

Pictures from Kriszti.

How can you know that you already spent a lot of time in one place?

You are starting to have problems. (But half of my problems are coming from Hungary and because of my stupidity.)

I mean.

I have to write mail back home, because I forgot to add one paper to my social scholarship at home, and now they denied it, but thats money really needs for me. I think they will give it, but that is time. I am worrying, we will see.

The second problems of my average life that I started to move a lot, and I really feeling now like living here - so I have a feeling that I should go to gym or to swimming pool. Why it is a problem? It is not a problem, I have already lost almost 7 kgs here, and I need to lost more. But... I have neved had such a feeling at home, that I should move! That is a problem!!!

I have to change it, and I have to do something with myself to keep this feeling... I am working on it!
In this post I am gonna right about two parties. The first is Eliska's birthday. It was quite good, and I had two favourite moments of this night: first carrying balloons with bicycle - see the pictures! Second: playing drama games, and I leaded - oh, my beloved profession! :)

The second party was a little spontaneous party at our dormitory with billiard playing.

I let the pictures to speak! :)

In this week we had a lesson called special needs. I dont want to write about it a lot, because it was much more experiencing than writing about, but I have to admit that I was really interesting about this lesson after the practice - this is why I am writing about it.

And it was fantastic.

The teachers showed my a way how to create good atmosphere (hygge :) ) in the classroom, and how to teach things to the children like self- confidence, respect, and others by thouching!

Because we tried a special story telling back massage - and that was sooo good, and that is true - the one you thouch, you dont bully them!

So go, and take the massage to Hungary! :)

And the speaking with the teachers helped me to go back to our practice place...
We (Kriszti and I) had the second day of practice in a different place, and I have now really mixed feelings about it, and I am trying to change my attitude for this place because I have to go back there for three weeks at the end. But to be honest, I dont like this place.

That is one thing, that it is not really connected to our professions, but I don't like the methods what they are using. Methods = pills here. I know that in Hungary we dont really using pills, and we have really serious rules for using them. I am a little disappointed now, I expected something more from a country which is as good as Denmark.

To be here, it was really like a living cage for me. I have to sleep one more for it, and deal with that I will go back.

Anyway, the children were really nice, their P.E. lesson was good, and the equipment is much better than in Hungary. Something good.
Big - big shame on me!

Yesterday we had Language and identity class, which was a really useful class. We had to think about the language connection to identity and after that we had to draw ourselves with the languages placed and colored to our body.

I know, that I am saying this all the time, but maybe this was the best hour yet! And I just felt myself there as comfortable, and imaginative, that I completly forgot to take pictures :(.

But I can tell some details about my drawing:

I draw 13 languages which is quite a lot. But I am the 'biggest traveller' maybe in the group, or one of them, and I am the youngest too.
Most of the languages what I draw are connected to me someway: it is interests me, or I can say some words in it, or I have been there, or because of some privat reasons.

Anyway, this was a really useful lesson, and I think maybe we can use it at home as a know - yourself - game, or something like that.

This post will not have that serious topic like the others. I will just write something about accomodation, weather, and freetime. So have a look at it.

Maybe this was the first week when we saw the sun on the sky. It was really weird for the first time when I felt that I am missing something, and then I realised how the days passed: of course, the sun! I could not image that here, down, not that up to the north it can be recognizeable that the weather is changing, but it can, and it is really weird. To tell you the truth, Denmark has got a really woman - like weather : you will never know what she will do in the next hour. But anyway, in the few past days we could see the sun, and the weather was cold, but really nice (cold, it was not cold compare to winter time). I am looking forward to see the spring here!

It is a shame, that we are living here so long time ago, and I have not show you pictures about our accomodation. I like it very much, I started to be hygge here, the bad thing that I am always moving the bed, and when I am working I can easily do mess even now - when I am looking after to keep clean my room, and to be a big girl just to make my mother proud (joke, of course).
But I know it will change, but I will fight against it, I promise!
Somewhere I have pictures about the accomodation too, but now you are only getting pictures about my room and the kitchen, I hope you like it, it is very causy!

(You should look the picture in bigger version, because there are so many little things that I will not spoke about but you can see...)

I also wanted to speak about that some day ago we did a video to the music of Mamma Mia!. Unfortunatelly I did not have enough space to upload it, but you can always as it from me! I like it very much, this was a really good, and silly, and funny experience :).

In the previous post I did not write about the informal happenings of the third week, because I wanted to have post for them with pictures.


I have my best friend here - which means my tired days ended - his name is Rocky and he is very nice orange - coloured, and he is a bicycle! My own bicycle! Tak for Mette for helping us with Marys to find bikes!

But we had some other happenings too on this week: On tuesday we went to drink a beer to Kafka, which is one of my favourite places here in Haderslev. Two german guys also joined to us. They will be teachers, and they have some practice here.

The another happening was the carnival party at the college. We went there dressed up - we looked really silly with our bikes and our costumes on the streets. I think all of our costumes very really creative. But the party was weird a little bit. They played rock music, whic is not problem for me, because I like this kind of music and the guys were really professional - but it was problem to the others who wanted to dance. Anyway I think despite of this thing we had a good time there.
I was also happy to see some tradition of the Danish people, and see our Danish teacher dressed in, and some of the buddies too.
It was nice, and good fun.
The last memories of my carnivals was really bad, but now they had been overwrited. :)

:) I was an artist, if you don't get it. I know it is not so creative from me, but originally I did not want to go, so this is a last minute - costume.

Actually, on our third week we was very busy.

We started the week with M1, presenting our own school systems in groups. I presented the alternative ways of Hungarian education, and I was really happy when I heard that the 'normal' education system is very similar in the post - communist countries. (It was kind of, 'okay, than we are not that bad, as I thought' - feeling.) We had quite a lot of work with the presentations, but finally we succeed with them, and that was a very good experience because I have never thought before that I could do this kind of work in English! I was very proud of myself, really.

Presentations. The pictures was made by Kriszti.

The second presentation of the week was about our own culture, also in groups with Jette ( I have even translated Hungarian poems to English for this...). We was really afraid about that topic, because about your own country you have so many background informations and you cant really choose - this was the biggest problem of our presentation, I guess, because it became too long. At least, we brought something to eat for the others so they did not die in hunger - of course, it is just a joke. But it was quite long, I think, but nice.

Kriszti's photos.

In this week we also had music lesson, ETC, History, Danish, and Citizenship also, but I wanna write about them when we finished all of the lessons.

Anyway, it was a too busy week for me, and in the last days I was ill, so I have to have a rest now...

On the 10th of february we went to Aarhus. Yet the most fantastic experience in this time here!

First, I have just felt that when we arrived, that I am too tired, and the others are walking too fast, and everything - than I started to look around, and my breath stoped! This city is full of life - even in the morning -, and full of little (and also big) things which makes a city so beautiful. Even the people are colorful there.

On the train.

First we visited the 'old town'. It is a really-really fantastic place - but I don't want to speak about it a lot, because I have no words for it - I could spend my whole life between this walls - so I let the pictures speak:

Regiment of pictures about the old - town.


After that we went into the city, and after that to the art museum, Aros. I was amazed by both two. Aros maybe is one of the best museums I have ever seen. A creative, open, and colorful , and enteraining museum (and even classical too), with helpful people, and with many ideas.

In the museum we became guides of the others. I was one of those who had to organize the tasks in the museum. These were the following tasks: (Unfortunatelly we planned it to long, but they enjoyed it, and the final result was equal - we should have leave more time to Aros.)

  • There is a boy outside (in the entrance). We are gonna stand around in a circle, then we start walking in that circle and then well see whats happens with the boys face. They have to collect 3 emotions about him.

    The golden age

    they should find a picture from a very famous danish painter, and on it there are some hunters, and some dogs. And we want to know the picture, and the artist name, and the number of the hunters and dogs.

    (P.S. Kroyer: Hunters of Skagen, 1898, 7 hunters, 5 dogs)

    Danish modernism

    they have two paintings: svend wiig hansen: the human ride, 1959, and wilhelm freddie: out in country, 1934, they should find the link between the two pictures.

    (riding [horse, people])

    Contemperary art

    the should find a very shocking picture (made by a famous danish photographer) which is linked in someway to the second answer.

    (Bjorn Norgaard: Preserving Jar from the Horse Sacrifice, 1970 - the link is a horse.)

    Current exhibition

    they should find a picture with so many memories on it, the name of this picture the archives. we need a painters name.

    (Per Kirkeby)

    the 9 spaces

    we are looking for the exhibition (and they have to see it) which can be linked with the following artist: Tony Oursler (USA), James Turrell (USA), Bill Viola (USA), Pipilotti Rist (Switzerland) and Olaf Breuning (Switzerland)

    (9 spaces)

And the city was also really unbeliavable! I have not expected this open city from Denmark. It was like really Oslo for me. I decided to go back once or twice in the last one month, and see for example the women's museum!

I really have no words for Aarhus!

We got really tired to the end of the day, but anyway:

It was fantastic!

(And to tell you the truth, this was the first time when we behaved like a group, and I wanted to do a video too, but somehow my computer is too bad for that ://.)

Haderslev in a very early spring time...

Portraits of my Erasmus mates...

On the 9th of february we had a really interesting topic, and this topic was about stereotypes, and national 'specialities'. I found it really interesting, and funny. We had to write sentences with the beginning 'I am (...nation...) because (...reason...)'. I really found it good, it can even be a drama game.

But to tell you somethings, about this. For example.

Have know that...?
  • Turkish people are drinking speacial coffee, and putting money to their bras?
  • Belgian people like to eat chocolat (and I have seen that they are eating it with bread!)?
  • Polish people like to drink vodka?
  • Czech people can play instruments and like to drink a lot of beer?
  • Hungarians are painting eggs at easter, and like spicy foods?

And have you known that...?
  • Danes are saying very often 'skaal'?
  • Have a special instrument?
  • National animal is the swan?
  • Very proud of being a Danish and they are using their flag a lot of time?
  • They are dancing and singing around the Xmas three?
  • They are puting the flag to the table at celebrations?
  • And they are like hygge?
  • Their attitude can be written down in Jante's law?
  • (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jante_Law)

Now, you know this. :)

And because of this topic I started to read the internet about the Danes and I have found a hungarian man's blog, who works here in Denmark two year ago, and he writed down this 12 sentences. I hope you will enjoy them.

How can you know that you have already spent a lot of time in Denmark?

1. If the wind blows, and the rain is soft you dont wear coats, because the weather is good.
2. Every where you go you are saying 'Hej' and when you are leaving 'Hej - Hej' (I think in this part of the country it is 'Mojn')
3. You are not suprised if you are seeing girls riding bicycle in skirts with gum-boots.
4. You are not saying that 'Sorry, I cant speak Danish', but only saying: 'English please!'
5. You can eat smorrebrod with cheese and jam.
6. You don't get suprised if they are asking you in the shops that do you want to keep the receit?
7. You are not counting with your own currency of money.
8. You know that if you are in the restaurant you dont have to give extra chips to the bartender.
9. You dont have curtains on your window, and you are not missing them!
10. Your window is full of with little things, and you like them.
11. You have candles and you are burning them every night, and call this hygge.
12. You are calling sales 'tilbug', or 'rabat'.

And the Jante's Law - which can be very weird to a foreigner -

  • Don't think that you are special.
  • Don't think that you are of the same standing as us.
  • Don't think that you are smarter than us.
  • Don't fancy yourself as being better than us.
  • Don't think that you know more than us.
  • Don't think that you are more important than us.
  • Don't think that you are good at anything.
  • Don't laugh at us.
  • Don't think that anyone of us cares about you.
  • Don't think that you can teach us anything.
On the 7th of februar we had a really special evening. We did a secret party in our dormitory because Kriszti and Gosia had their birthdays.

To tell you the truth, it was really nice that Kriszti had not realised, that we are going to do something for her. I was almost as exited as her, especially when I said her that she is not allowed to come out, and then when I called her out.

Everybody was there, and it was half typical Danish like with the Danish flags.

I was so happy that we could make her happy, and suprised, and that she liked the presents. And Gosia too! Oh, this was a fantastic night!

The rest of the night we danced, we singed, and had a good fun. I danced a very good with Carlos, and Canan has a beautiful voice. I am sure that I will not forget these things, and I will not forget Kriszti's suprised face. That was so moving.

Here is our group photo from that night, actually it is from Kriszti's blog, because I forgot to do pictures.

On the 5th of february Kriszti and me had a practice visit Favrfritten (back to the Danish lesson topic - try to pronunce this!), which is a kind of after school.
I was very happy about this, because on this week we had to get up very early in the mornings (for me), and I still did not sleep enough after the arriving, and after school meanted that we can sleep in the morning, and finally have a little relaxation (little hygge, how the Danish people saying).

So in the afternoon we went to the after school.

I was amazed in one way and in the other hand frightened too of the freedom what children have. They can go out alone to the garden, they can choose from several different activity types even from playing on playstation (but only for limited minutes in a day).

The second thing which I was amazed that is enviroment/equipment. Oh, my God! If I can say that. That is one thing, that the building is really homelike, nicely decorated, and new... but! They have their own kitchen (and they are not cooking for the children, because they have lunch boxes - tipicall Danish - they are only cooking once in a week together) , working room, biliard table, playstations, and several playgrounds (outside and inside too) - for example they have a huge room only for dancing! Or another example they can do things with their hands, and they have money for buy things - this is really different from Hungary!

The third thing which was suprising for me is the number of the teachers: they are about 10 for 83 children. Thats a lot! In Hungary they would be about 5 person.
They are playing with the children, they are often changing places between different activities, and they are very nice, and helpful. And there are boys too, even if they are learning in university! (I wonder, maybe every Danish guy called Lars?)

The children were really open and nice, it is a shame that we couldn't speak with them really, but at least, we tried - and they tried too! But in the end we played a lot with them, and I even recieved a drawing from a little danish - vietnami boy. He was cute, and the drawing was really nice. I'll keep it, and place to my room's wall, this will be the first picture on my wall. :)

Unfortunately I did not do a lot of picture there, because in Denmark without the parents permission you can't do pictures of the children. Weird for me. But I did some, I hope you will like them (so it is mostly about the equipment)!

Before we left we had a little discussion about the financial of the after school (payed by the parents, sometimes by government too), and the social background of the families, because we saw there children with special needs and different culture's children too. It was interesting, and I have to say that they are dealing with these problems much better than the Hungarians, but they are much closed to talk about this, than the Hungarians.

Anyway, we had a good time there!


I could not stand to don't show this pictures to you. They are cute, aren't they?

An art photo about a rubber on a table.

As I promised to you in this post I am gonna write more/show more pictures about the first week. This post will be about the Module 1, which contained in the first week: The Danish School system and comparative, Cultural dimension, and Danish.

About the first lesson. It was quite interesting, and I realized that my high school was really like the Danish system, so maybe I was the one who did not get new information, but get some new questions about my own past. And maybe I am the only one at the moment who really can feel, and can see, and can think about a similar system faults. About the education system this is one of my favourite topics: the alternative methods in Hungary. The final conclusion of this again: if you are basing in system in partnership you have to find those people (teachers) who can be really partners, and not just idealist wannabe-partners. Of course I know, that in Hungary it is really hard, mostly because of the communism. As Talmud says: If you are teaching your son, you are teaching your grandchildren too.
At least, we are trying to do something, and trying to evolve.

The cultural dimenson lesson was quite fun. We had a task to do something with hands about the stereotypes of Denmark. I let the pictures to speak.

Középre igazítás

And I will return to the Danish topic later - when I can pronunce at least one word correctly in Danish - damn, it is hard!

An art photo of the school.
The first week went away so fast. I cant even believe that I am here, the opportunity to came here was almost a miracle: somebody cancelled it, and I could come. Somehow I can't even realise that I am not at home, and I am just wondering, listening to the others, observing them. Tyring to understand that they are really my Erasmus mates, and to become an Erasmus student is not a dream anymore for me, because I am here, and I live this dream. I am sure that it will take a little more time to get realized in my mind, that I am really here, and I am really not dreaming - and by that time I am sure that I will try to save every minute to my brain, because I can't let my dreams go.

But. Away with those philosopical topics. In this week we had a very good time. We had some lessons with Jette, about culture, and cultural differenses. I will write about it later.
We had the first lesson about the Danish school system, and we did a quiz about Haderslev - it is a really interesting small city! We started to write our blogs, and we had a music lesson too. We had Danish lesson also, I will write about this also, but for now, I wanna show you some pictures of my staying in the first week.

I hope you will like them, all of them from my heart.

Haderslev, the town, where I am living and learning.

Származási hely: Kollázsok

Haderslev by night.

Származási hely: Kollázsok

By the lake. Did you know that the national animal of Denmark is a swan?

Származási hely: Haderslev

This is my bag. It is kind of tradition of mine, that if I am travelling I am making pictures of my bag alone. These are the adventures of the lost bag.

Származási hely: Haderslev

These pictures are really the favourites of mine now, because they are remaining me to this music:

"Standing on the bridge that crosses
the river that goes out to the sea.
The wind is full of a thousand voices;
they pass by the bridge and me."

Finally we arrived from Hungary after 25 hours of travelling.

In these hours, we came by three busses (two from Hungary to Coppenhagen, one from Kolding to Haderslev), one ferry (somewhere from the German border to - I guess maybe - Aarhus), and one train (from Copenhagen to Kolding). So bus - bus - ferry - train - bus.

Maybe I won't tell a big suprise for you, if I am saying that this was a really long journey from home to Denmark.
I was quite suprised by my own power (maybe it is not the correct word for it, but I haven't got better at the moment). I mean twentyfive hours of travelling is really hard: sometimes sleeping - sometimes not, you have a little place for yourself, and also there are too many people, the bus is not really comfortable for that long time, etc... So it was quite a challenge for me, and I think I managed it right.
To be honest, I like to travel - travelling is one of my passions, and maybe the biggest of all. And moreover this I like when I am on road. I mean while I am getting from one place to another. But that was really long time ago when last time I travelled with bus for that many hours, and I was not sure that I will enjoy the road, and wont get too tired. (But to get somewhere is always happier than get back, so I dont want to think about of our leaving and that 25 hours again...)
But I enjoyed, and I think I can thank a lot for Kriszti, because it was good to travel together, speak a lot, and play a lot on the road, so we did not get so bored.

Sometimes I got a little confused because I didn't know exatly where we are, and where to go. The biggest confusing thing was in Coppenhagen, in the morning around 5.30 - we had to locate the trainstation, and buy a ticket, find the train - with suitcaises in dawn, and without a clue where we are. But that was okay, we managed it together, that was quite good groupwork, and thanks for God we were really near to the trainstation (and to Tivoli).

On the train Kriszti was sleeping - she slept a very few hours on the bus -, I tried to not fell asleep, because I was afraid that if we fell asleep together then we will miss the trainstation where we have to get off. So I was somewhere between sleeping and listening.

If my memory is good than we was travelling with the train nearly three hours. The train was as good that I expected, the Danes were a little bit more opened than the Norwegians last year, so everything was like I expected.

Finally, we arrived to Kolding, waited there for the bus for half an hour, and I learned that in Denmark you not allowed to drink on the busses - and I not meaning alcohol - anything! But the driver was quite nice and helpful.

In Haderslev we waited a little bit for Christine, and after took a bus near to our dormitory, and walked down the street from the bus. We was so tired, nearly 100 meters seemed to be the longest road in my life. But after that we arrived, and I took the nearest room to the door - because I nearly couldnt stand -, so thats why my room is the first. Spoke with Christine that: we will meet her in the afternoon, and she will show around the city.

After that we went to sleep, tried to get out our suitcases, and after meet with Christine. She was very nice and helpful, showed us the city - it was cold, and windy, and wet, with a very few sunshine - but nice and historical. I felt that I will enjoy to walk in these street in the next four months.

After that in the evening we waited for the others arriving, and when we went to sleep - after a lot of speaking, and a lot of tea - four people went to sleep (and we met also with Jette, because of some kind of key problems), the others arrived in the next two days, and the journey was started.